English-Studio Pietro Carlomagno



The Office

The Office was established in 2011 by Mr Pietro Carlomagno after ten-year collaboration with Erwin Cordini fiscal office. 

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Main activities

 Business, fiscal and administrative management

Mr Pietro Carlomagno has been registered since 2004 in the Registry of Qualified Accountants and Bookkeepers of Milan (in Italian Albo dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili di Milano). His working experience is focused on financial, tax, accounting, legal and audit of small and medium-large enterprises, with a qualification in contexts connected to service and  financial sector (lending institution, Bank of Italy regulations - Uif).

Strong experience in consulting related to transactions of sales/acquisitions corporate and business valuations. Mr Pietro Carlomagno is a member of the National Tax Law Commissions at the Order of Chartered Accountants of Milan.

 European grants management

Far-back Mr Pietro Carlomagno is also interested in European Policies, following the political and regulatory developments of Commission and European Parliament, organizing and participating thanks to cultural and associations at some conferences and events aimed at the dissemination of European fundamentals and the development of Europe, attracting interest of all stakeholders, citizens, businesses and public administrations.

Particular focus is on European funding opportunities supporting local authorities, businesses and non-profit entities that are interested in EU programmes connected to EU grants: direct management (managed directly by the European Commission), such as Horizon 2020, Cosme, EaSI and LIFE + and shared management (managed jointly by the EU and Member States) such as European programmes of Lombardy Region (or any other Region) in particular PON, ERDF and EDF.

Our working areas:


- SMEs;
- culture;
- tourism;
- research and development;
- media;
- health;
- patents.



Address: 19, Via B. Garofalo - 20133 Milano (Italy) - click here
Tel:  +39-02-29-40-50-77
Fax: +39-02-29-52-56-14


Via B. Garofalo, 19 - 20133 Milano
Tel: 02/29 40 50 77
Fax: 02/29 52 56 14

Copyright © 2016 Pietro Carlomagno

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